Srinagar, Jan 06: Following the fresh snowfall in Kashmir, Power Development Department (PDD) Monday said that it has restored electricity in all areas.
Besides, the department further said that there was no major damage recorded because of the snowfall.
A top official informed the news agency Kashmir News Observer, “Although there was no major fault or damage that could have disrupted the electricity because of the snow, in some areas there was a minor smash up to transmission lines and DTs which we restored immediately.”
“As of now we have restored electricity in all areas of Kashmir region,” the official said.
The official further said that the department was estimating the minor damage to DTs caused by the snowfall.
On asking about the ongoing power supply and curtailment schedule, the official said that it was supplying over 1800 MWs of power to the consumers.
“The power supply has increased and as of now we are supplying over 1800 MWs of power to the consumers of Kashmir region,” the official said.
It also said that from a couple of weeks the power supply has touched 1950 MWs.
About the unscheduled power cuts in both metered and non-metered areas, the official informed that the distress cuts usually occur in flat rated and non-metered areas.
“Majorly the consumers of metered areas usually don’t face any unscheduled power cuts but the consumers in flat rated areas face the issues because of the overload that hampers or damages the power lines or power stations,” the official said.
It also said that the flat rated consumers were using crude heating gadgets. “There is no judicious use of power in flat rate and non-metered areas.”—(KNO)
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