Two labourers die another injured in a wall collapse in Budgam

Two labourers die another injured in a wall collapse in Budgam


Srinagar, Dec 2: Two labourers lost their lives, and another sustained critical injuries when a wall collapsed at a construction site in Jammu and Kashmir’s Budgam district on Monday, officials reported.

The tragic incident occurred at the Ichgam Ring Road construction site, where a massive earthen wall caved in, burying three labourers working at the location.

Rescue efforts were immediately launched to extricate the trapped workers from under the debris.

The labourers were rushed to a nearby medical facility, where doctors declared two of them dead on arrival. The third labourer is undergoing treatment and is reported to be in critical condition.

The identities of the deceased and the injured are yet to be confirmed, officials said.

Police have registered a case and initiated an investigation to ascertain the cause of the incident.


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